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RC-CN User IT Service Manager 西门子 面议 收藏 投递简历
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RC-CN User IT Service Manager 西门子

北京-北京 | 5年以上经验 | 本科学历
2020-02-25 更新 被浏览:
最近在线时间:2020-02-23 08:02
电话:400****2020 请登录个人账号开放联系方式 登录个人
到岗时间:1个月之内 婚况要求:不限婚况 RC-CN UIT Service Manager 西门子(中国)有限公司 IT部门 服务管理经理 北京 Mission Fulfillment of all services as provided in the contract at budgeted costs quality and on-time. maintenance and improvement of service quality through a constant cycle of agreeing monitoring and reporting on service achievements and initiating actions to continuously improve services and productivity in order to satisfy the customer. The Service Manager should already be involved in the pre-contract phase and will assume responsibility on the signing of the contract. Responsibilities 1. Steer all the services from all service deliverers according to the contract and its schedules especially SLAs toward achieving the intended business results. Thereby optimize operations and minimize service delivery costs. Manage a matrix of local and global service deliverers. 2. Formulate agree and maintain an appropriate services structure for the engagement to include - Service Level Agreements (SLA) structure (e.g. Service based Customer based or multi-level) - Operational Level Agreements (OLAs) within the internal IT Provider organizations - Third Party SupplierContract Management relationships to the Service Level Management Process - Continuous Improvement Programs Maintain the existing Service Level Agreements with the customer Negotiate agree and maintain the Operational Level Agreements with the internal IT providers Define the technology strategy direction and architecture for the engagement and to select the service deliverers and partnerships together with the Account Executive Define the operational process standards and rules of the engagement 3. Service Reporting: - monitor the costs of service delivery together with the Commercial Manager. - analyze and review service performance against the SLAs and OLAs - produce regular reports on service performance to all relevant parties - organize and maintain the regular service-level review process with all relevant parties 4. User Centric and Customer Relationship: Satisfy customers needs with the services provided. Accompany the PTM team (account manager demand manager) on a case-by-case basis to clarify technical concerns. Continually determine the level of services needed by the customer to support his business. Know key competencies and processes of his customers and ensure a strong relationship by delivering the optimum service quality. Determine gaps in the contract and propose actions to the Account Manager Demand Manager to close the gaps. 5. Service Level Management: Planning coordinating drafting agreeing monitoring and reporting on SLAs and the on-going review of service achievements to ensure that the required and cost-justifiable service quality is maintained and gradually improved. SLAs provide the basis for managing the relationship between the provider and the Customer 6. Service Continuity Management: Safeguard the availability of services take preventative measures to reduce the probability of failures and if a catastrophic event should occur restore services in the required time. 7. Quality Management: consult management and support the business by selecting coordinating directing controlling standardizing activities and initiating continuous improvement in order to become quality leader. Eminently important is the authority to stop processes and projects in case of corresponding quality requirements are not fulfilled. Competence 1. Methods and tools: a. - IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) b. - Service Offering Life Cycle Process c. - Change management methods and tools d. - Automatization tools e. - Monitoring Tools f. -Planning and reporting tools 2. Understanding of business processes 3. Languages: a. Local language b. business fluent written and spoken English 4. Presentation techniques and communication soft skills Qualification 1. Min. 8 years in IT area preferable; 5 year service experience prefered; 2. Min. 4 year in IT service or project management; 3. At least 1 year life or work experience abroad or work experience in international teams. Contact We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of your ability as we will use the data to review your suitability to the role.
  • 计算机/互联网
  • 200-500人
  • 90000万
西门子股份公司是全球领先的技术企业,170余年来不断致力于卓越的工程技术、创新、品质、可靠性和国际化发展。公司业务遍及全球,专注于电气化、自动化和数字化领域。作为最大的高效能源和资源节约型技术企业之一,西门子在高效发电和输电解决方案、基础设施解决方案、工业自动化、驱动和软件解决方案等领域占据领先地位。依托公开上市的子公司西门子医疗股份公司,西门子也是计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像系统等医疗成像设备,以及实验室诊断和临床IT领域领先的技术领导者。 西门子最早在中国开展经营活动可以追溯到1872年,当时西门子向中国提供了第一台指针式电报机,并在19世纪末交付了中国第一台蒸汽发电机以及第一辆有轨电车。1985年,西门子与中国政府签署了全面合作备忘录,成为第一家与中国进行深入合作的外国企业。140余年来,西门子以创新的技术、卓越的解决方案和产品坚持不懈地为中国的发展提供全面支持,并以出众的品质和令人信赖的可靠性、领先的技术成就以及不懈的创新追求,在业界独树一帜。 西门子见证了中国改革开放带来的巨大变化,同时也为中国的改革发展做出了重要贡献。2018财年(2017年10月1日至2018年9月30日),西门子在中国的总营收达到81亿欧元。西门子在中国拥有超过33000名员工,中国已成为西门子第二大海外市场。 西门子已经发展成为中国社会和经济不可或缺的一部分,以其环保业务组合与创新解决方案全面投入到与中国的合作中,共同致力于实现可持续发展。西门子的品牌宣言是 博大精深,同心致远(Ingenuity for life) 。公司致力于实现 公司愿景 2020 ,面向长远未来,创造价值,秉持服务于社会的使命,让关键所在,逐一实现。 随着 一带一路 倡议的深化,越来越多的中国企业走上国际舞台。凭借尖端技术、全面产品线、全球网络、完善的金融解决方案及灵活的服务模式,西门子在基础设施、电力、油气与化工和工业等领域与中国企业携手前行。截至2018财年,西门子已与中国能建、中国电建、中石油、中石化、中建材和中集来福士等上百家中国企业在超过100个国家和地区的市场探索业务机会,足迹遍及六大洲。 2018年,西门子在北京设立全球 一带一路 办公室,并举办了首届 一带一路 国际合作论坛,与全球伙伴共商、共创、共赢,共同创造价值。
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